September 16th, 2013

No, because its life, get used to it kid

September 16th, 2013

Feel like in present day most genres contribute to one another tbh. So technically there is a lot more ~crossover fans~ and most people don’t pigeon hole themselves into one genre.

September 16th, 2013

Totally agree @tatyahna…..and i firmly believe that “fusion music” is the future. The influence of electronica over everything has been a crazy influence in changing styles. Pigeon-holing music into certain genres is restrictive and just limits creativity from both a musical and analytical perspective, imo.

September 16th, 2013

All I see is rock fans who realize rap is better than rock but are afraid to say it, so they are coming up with some stupid shit like “fusion music”

September 16th, 2013

Nah dog.

September 16th, 2013

nope, cross genre is def not something ‘made up’ at all.

September 16th, 2013

But I gave you two options and you go and pick something third, why you do that?

September 16th, 2013

Lol no. It’s not a third option, it’s not even a literal genre. It’s a fact. People generally don’t stick to one genre and the crossover between multiple genres in the way music is now, makes it so people don’t have to be one or the other. Fuck a genre tbqh.

September 16th, 2013

It’s like choosing an ice cream flavor. Chocolate is great, but nobody wants to eat just chocolate ice cream for the rest of their life, that shit’s boring. That’s why there’s all kinds of other flavors you can eat–vanilla, neopolitan, mint chocolate, etc.

September 16th, 2013

Also how can something be “better” if really it all comes down to personal taste. Like why can’t I like Ja Rule and Taking Back Sunday and Taylor Swift equally at the same damn time.

September 16th, 2013

Rap hasn’t had the same length of time that rock has had to build a great catalogue of music. Even today, rap’s comparative lack of history means that there isn’t as much great rap music being made as there is great rock music. I think there’s a strong case to be made that Kanye is the strongest active pop musician though, there aren’t many rock bands in their prime right now who have made an album as good as MBDTF.

September 16th, 2013

Rock'n'roll will never go away completely
because it’s so fundamentally attractive.
-Alex Turner

September 16th, 2013

So what you are saying rap is better than rap but its not fair to judge the genres like that?

September 16th, 2013

And whats with the pictures and gif of little girls in this thread, that’s just weird

September 16th, 2013